We believe everyone deserves to live the best life that they can – as free as possible from the challenges and uncertainty of disease.

At UCB, our work is never done – because we always strive to find new ways to deliver solutions and opportunities to people living with and impacted by severe diseases through a deeper understanding of diseases and their effects.

We act with focus and care to create value and make real improvements in the lives of the people we serve, now and into the future.

We cultivate strong connections with the patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals who face these conditions each day. And we know we cannot succeed on our ambitions alone, so we seek out and invite collaboration with like minded peers who share our passion for meeting the challenges of severe diseases.

We also understand that caring for an individual with a rare epilepsy takes a village. It also takes a village to develop tools to support individuals and the families that care for them. These resources contain a combination of original content and content created by others. UCB is incredibly grateful to the organizations listed below for the unrelenting support they provide the families they serve. Each of these organizations graciously contributed resource tools and programs to this C.A.R.E. Binder and generously authorized us to adapt them for the rare epilepsy community.

Thank you for your collaboration!


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